What we do

Since the year 2000 we have been supporting projects aimed at children and young people in need, to give them a second chance and hope for a better future.

There are two main areas we focus on, both in Italy and abroad:

How do we work in projects in Italy and abroad?


• We build direct responses to the needs of children and their families, with effective intervention models that can be replicated in different contexts, maximizing the use of the economic resources collected.

• We promote every child’s right to take part in decisions that affect them and active citizenship initiatives.

Network and community

• We value networking and cooperation among stakeholders.
Our approach is based on close cooperation with different realities that have expertise on specific issues: it allows us to gain a deeper knowledge of the different contexts in which we intervene, to make a greater impact, to value everyone’s expertise, and to be tangibly close to families in the local area.

• We work together with families and local communities to strengthen their educational role.
To raise a child, you need a whole village. This is the reason why we work with families and local communities so that they become true educating communities, more aware and willing to fully embrace their educational role.

Our operating method

• We evaluate the results and changes generated by our projects on the lives of our beneficiaries.
We believe that it is not enough to do what is right, but also to do it in the right way, so that
children, families and our partners receive tangible benefits and so that our work can always improve.

• We make our partners grow by fostering a process of capacity building.
The institutional, economic and environmental sustainability of our projects relies heavily on the skills of our local partners. That is why we value processes that strengthen these skills and encourage overcoming critical issues within organizations.

• We promote innovative solutions with a focus on the environment.
Today’s world is constantly evolving, and we first of all need to be open to change: we therefore support innovative solutions in terms of methods and technology, to improve the quality of services offered to children and families, and we promote good daily practices of care for the environment, so as not to jeopardize the well-being of future generations.

Mission Bambini supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals.